Android APK | WebGL

Battleship is a classical naval strategy, in which the player tries to sink the hidden ships of the opponent. Each player is given 5 shots at the start of each round, and they are free to target any tile on the map to shoot a missile. If the tile is taken by a ship which belongs to the opponent, the tile is marked with a "Hit Flag". Players should continue this procedure and the one who sank all the ships is the winner.

Please read before you buy:
This framework covers the basic components to build a functional battleship game. But new features and add-ons will be provided as free updates in future. For example, the framework does not let you place your ship or rotate them manually. These things will be done automatically.

- This is a complete game framework which covers all necessary components and comes with basic formation (predefined), opponent AI, turn manager and gameplay algorithms.
- Can be extended to support bigger/smaller map sizes.
- Easy to monetize, perfect to learn.
- Fully commented source code in C#
- Supports Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Standalone platforms.
- Can be used as a base to prototype similar turn-based strategy games
- Simple and highly addictive game-play
- Can be used to build a 2D or a 3D game at no time!
- Mobile friendly (with awesome performance!)
- Extremely flexible to re-skin and re-master

It works right out of the box! Just download the kit, load it up inside Unity and hit "Build" !!

Wanting to re-skin/customize the game?
Our talented designers are ready to help you with your amazing ideas. Just reach us at and we will get back to you asap.

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