Runtime Editor

Runtime Editor is the set of scripts and prefabs which help you to create scene editor, game level editor or build your own modeling application. It supports drag & drop, undo & redo and selection api. To implement user interface and core functions runtime editor use transform-handles, gizmos, save load subsystem and three controls: menu, virtualizing tree view and dock panels.

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♥ Position, Rotation, Scale transform handles;

♥ Grid, Box Selection, Scene Gizmo;

♥ Transform Handles Mobile & AR Core support;

♥ Global & Local coordinates;

♥ Local & Center pivot point modes;

♥ Vertex & Grid snapping;

♥ Gizmos for Colliders, Lights and Audio Sources;

♥ Scene navigation, Orthographic & Perspective view;

♥ Undo & Redo API;

♥ Object Selection API;

♥ Object life-cycle events;

♥ Play & Edit mode;

♥ Configurable Inspector;

♥ Component & Material editors;

♥ 20+ Built-in property editors;

♥ Add Component control;

♥ Multiple Scenes and Cameras support;

♥ Dock Panels & Windows management;

♥ Dialogs, Message Boxes, Confirmations;

♥ Easy to extend with new windows;

♥ Configurable Main & Context Menu;

♥ Fast Virtualizing Tree View;

♥ Configurable Save & Load subsystem;

♥ Easy to use Project API.

♥ Static and Dynamic Assets support;

♥ Asset Bundles support;

♥ Multiple Projects support;

♥ Ability to edit components of multiple selected objects;

♥ Universal Render Pipeline support;

♥ HD Renderer Pipeline support (Beta).

This asset uses:

♥ Roslyn .NET compiler under MIT License;

♥ HSV Color Picker under MIT License;

♥ NavMeshComponents under MIT License;

♥ protobuf-net under Apache License, Version 2.0;

♥ SharpZipLib under MIT License.

see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.