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Celeron is a powerful tool that you can use to drastically change the speed of the game in a matter of seconds! All you need is knowledge on how to drag a prefab, how to slide a slider, and how to click a button!

Celeron was developed out of necessity while I was working on my virtual reality game. I needed some way to speed up my cutscenes so that I can skip to the parts that needed to be edited. I am already aware of the Chronos - Time Control asset but since I don't have enough money to purchase it at this moment, I've decided to create this acceleration tool for myself with the additional intention of providing it to others for free.

Celeron is the second script-based asset that I have published on the Unity Asset Store. Much of the presentation qualities and branding features that I have failed to incorporate in the previous script asset has been reapplied onto this one, so I really hope that Celeron manages to effectively demonstrate just how powerful it is and just how valuable it is as a key component in your game.