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With String-O-Matic, magic strings are over.

String-O-Matic scans your project to automatically generate constants and static classes holding references to every magic string in your project, effectively replacing soft runtime errors by robust compile errors.

String-O-Matic ensures errors caused by renaming tags, layers, inputs etc. are caught at compile-time.

Key Features:
∙ Converts magic strings into robust code
∙ SOMValueAttribute lets you reference modules from the inspector. ∙ Comes with many built-in modules.
∙ Source code included.
∙ Easy to use and customize.
∙ Easy to extend: you can make your own modules.
∙ Auto-generated code.

Built-in modules:
∙ Tags
∙ Layers
∙ Sorting Layers
∙ Input axes
∙ Navigation Areas
∙ Scenes
∙ Audio
∙ Mecanim
∙ Resources
∙ Shaders

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