Futuristic Soldier 4.

Animated model with 36 animations and 6000 polygons. 2 texture variations, 4k px texture size for body and 2k for weapon.
MECANIM COMPATIBILE + 36 own animations.

Animations included: TPose, IdleNoWeapon, IdleNoWeaponLookAround, GetReady, IdleWithGun, IdleLookAround, ReadyToShoot, Walk, WalkLookAround, RunWeaponDown, RunWeaponDownLookAround, RunWeaponDownLookAround2, RunAim, RunAimLookAround, StrafeRight, StrafeLeft, StrafeBack, StrafeToCrouch, CrouchAimIdle, CrouchAimIdleLookAround, CrouchToWalk, CrouchWalk, CrouchWalkLookssssAround, CrouchToStand, Reload, Melee, Death, Recover, RaiseWeapon, LowerWeapon, Jump, AimToShot, Shot, ShotFast, ShotFastAllAround