Cobra Settings

Cobra Settings is a easy-to-use tool designed to simplify the management of game and app settings, similar to how settings are managed in other C# projects like ASP.NET.

This tool extends the functionality of standard C# app settings, offering flexible storage and retrieval options - from remote solutions like Google Drive or custom servers to local JSON files.

This tool is compatible with a wide range of services, not just Google Drive. It's designed to work with any platform that allows you to obtain a direct download link to your file.

For Google Drive users, it's common to encounter links that aren't in a direct download format. Recognizing this, the tool includes a feature to automatically transform Google Drive URLs into direct links.

Cobra Settings is designed to efficiently load settings, whether they are from a web service or a local file, prior to the execution of any script’s Awake method. This ensures that all necessary information is readily available right when you need it, providing a seamless and reliable setup for your scripts.

This tool benefits both developers and players. Players avoid redownloading the game for minor updates, while developers save time as they don't need to rebuild, upload, and publish the game for these small changes. It's a straightforward, useful, and essential tool in game development.

Key Features:

Cloud-Based Configuration: Utilize Google Drive for remote management of settings. Update and synchronize settings in real-time, directly from the cloud.

Local File Support: Offers the flexibility to manage settings through local JSON files, providing an alternative for developers who prefer local storage.

Easy Integration: Designed for hassle-free integration into existing Unity projects, Cobra Settings ensures a smooth setup process.

Customizable Settings Classes: Create and manage your own Plain Old C# Object (POCO) classes to tailor settings to your specific project needs.

Real-Time Updates: Implement changes to your game's settings on the fly, enhancing the player experience by minimizing disruptions for updates.

Fallback Settings: Incorporate a default JSON settings string as a backup, ensuring that your application always has a reliable configuration to fall back on.

Enhanced Logging with Cobra Logging: Integrated with Cobra Logging for clear and effective tracking and debugging.

Example Use Cases:

Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment: Seamlessly modify game difficulty based on real-time analytics or player feedback. Tailor challenges to individual players or respond to overall trends without waiting for the next update cycle.

Feature Rollouts and Testing: Easily toggle features on or off for testing or gradual rollouts. Experiment with new elements in your game, controlling their availability remotely.

Live Event Management: Update event details, schedules, or special promotions in your game instantly. Keep your game's content fresh and engaging with minimal effort.

A/B Testing for Gameplay Elements: Implement different settings for various player segments to evaluate which features or gameplay modifications perform better.

Localization and Content Updates: Quickly update language files, text, or other content elements, ensuring that your game remains accessible and relevant to a global audience.



Other Assets:

Cobra Updater - Update published games directly from Unity.

Cobra Accounts - Create and manage accounts for your users.

Cobra Store - Create an online store for digital products such as DLC.

Cobra Settings - Manage settings in the cloud or locally for your games or apps.

Cobra Database - Easy database acesss.

Cobra Reflection - Accelerated and simplified C# reflection.

Cobra Packets - Multiplayer networking made easy.

Cobra Optimizers - Smart optimization algorithms.

Cobra Observables - Subscribe to variable changes with events.

Cobra Assemblies (free) - Optimize your Unity project's compilation time.