cyberpunk - Glass City (HDRP)

-=Glass City=-

What you see is what you get. HDRP pipeline.

Note: Girl not included.

Note: this is HDRP package variant:

BIP variant here:

URP (Universal) variant here:

Compatible with 'Steel City':

This pack contains lowpoly (with LOD's) prefabs (modular) for creating cyberpunk sci-fi environments:


● modular walls;

● flying robot-machines, animated, scripts system operated (see video preview);

● moving robot-machines, animated, scripts system operated (see video preview);

● simple route system (super fast distance detection for it: no sqrt calculations, even no division, no multiplication calculations - opportunity to use high count of robot-machines for your scene);

● lightning effect;

● misc props;

● textures 4K;

● 100-5000 tris;

● LOD's.

- for mobile devices developers: use lightmap baking, use occlusion culling, use baked light sources or light sources without shadows, set LOD Bias to '1' for performance.