Dynamic Smoke System - Responsive, Volumetric & Interactive Smoke Grenades

Dynamic Smoke System introduces new and deep gameplay mechanics for smoke grenades for your players!

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👉 Smoke is responsive and will expand to fill the available space in your scene: it can squeeze itself through doors, windows or tunnels.

👉 Bullets, projectiles and explosions shape the smoke. You have full control over the duration and intensity of the holes created.

👉 Smoke and its behaviour is fully customizable. Tweak the performance, visuals, speed and size.

👉 1x simple demo scene included.



✅ Responsive: smoke expands to fill the available space in the scene

✅ Interactive: smoke can be penetrated by bullets, projectiles and explosions

✅ Customizable: fully customizable performance, visuals (including toon lighting), speed and size

✅ Scalable: multiple instances of smoke can be active at the same time

✅ Lit 🔥: responsive to scene lighting




Built-in pipeline



❌ VR / WebGL / WebGPU

Not recommended for mobile
