Responsive Smokes: Interactive Volumetric Smoke and Fog for URP

OccaSoftware Bundle

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Responsive Smokes enables you to render dynamic, interactive volumetric smoke and fog effects in your project.

The smoke is rendered using state-of-the-art volumetric rendering methods.

The smoke propagates dynamically in your scene in response to your scene geometry.

You can interact with the smoke using projectiles or explosions.

There is a detailed demo scene included in the project. This demo scene showcases how you could implement the smoke system in your game.

You can configure the smoke quality, appearance, and generation settings.


  • Smoke dynamically expands based on your scene geometry
  • Interact with the smoke using Interactive Projectiles and Interactive Explosions
  • Any number of dynamic smoke systems can be active at the same time
  • Configure the smoke albedo, main light tint, and ambient color tint
  • Configure the smoke shadowing step count and step length
  • Options to control the Startup & Cleanup phases for each object type
  • Configurable performance
  • Responds to dynamic directional lighting
  • Detailed demo scene showcasing usage to get you off the ground right away

Widely compatible, broadly tested

This asset is widely compatible and has been tested on Direct3D, Vulkan, and OpenGL. We design our assets for performance so that your project runs well on the widest range of devices.

Game developers who have already bought Responsive Smokes absolutely love it

"The developer is very helpful and responds quickly. This has improved my smoke grenade by 1000%" - alejandrorak2

"Good, well thought out assets. Developer is super responsive on Discord, implements suggested features. Cant recommend enough!" - commonblob


We stand behind each of our products, offering dedicated support to make sure the asset works for your project and helps you accomplish your goals.

We are so confident in our assets that we offer a 100% happiness guarantee: If you're not 100% happy, we will refund you.

If you need any help, you can contact me directly at or open a tech support ticket on our Discord:

Made With Occasoftware

Game developers already use Responsive Smoke in their Unity projects:

  • Havoc is a tactical team-based first-person shooter that introduces a fully destructible environment, adding a new level of strategy to the genre. Players can plant and defuse bombs, destroy walls to reach their targets, and engage in various other tactical experiences.
  • Tim Climpy's Warfair is a a military FPS shooter with a focus on fun things for fun people! Battle your friends (and enemies?) on 8 maps across the world to see who comes top of the leader board.

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