Local Global Illumination | Realtime GI & Lighting for URP

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Create games that look more realistic and immersive

Bring your game to life with stunning realistic global illumination lighting effects.

Easy to use, even for beginners

This asset does not require any complex lighting setups or shaders. You can simply add the asset to you rgame and start using it right away.


LGI is relatively lightweight, so it can be used in games without a significant impact on performance. This means that you can use LGI to improve the realism of your games without making them slower or less responsive.


You can customize the asset to cull selective layers from the render, control the maximum distance of objects used to generate the environment map, and set the maximum distance of objects influenced by the dynamic global illumination.

Easy real-time editing

You can easily edit and view the results of the irradiance map in real-time, with an in-editor gizmo displaying the current results of the map. Additionally, you can view the maximum influence distance in the editor as a wire sphere, making it convenient to see which objects are affected by the global illumination.

Extendable and Compatible

LGI features global shader includes and Shader Graph custom function nodes for seamless integration with your game and with other store assets.

How it works

Local Global Illumination (LGI) uses a reflection probe to constantly re-render the local scene area. This means that LGI creates a map of the light in the area around the camera.

LGI then uses lighting algorithms to convert that map into a diffuse irradiance map. A diffuse irradiance map is a map that shows how much light is coming from different directions.

Finally, LGI uses post-processing to apply that diffuse irradiance map to the scene. This means that LGI adds the light from the diffuse irradiance map to the scene using lighting algorithms.

What it does

LGI simulates global illumination. Global illumination is the way that light bounces around in the real world. LGI can add realistic diffuse lighting to scenes.

Our assets are widely compatible, performant, and supported

We design our assets for performance and compatibility. This asset has been tested on Direct3D, Vulkan, and OpenGL on a variety of hardware.


Q: Is Local GI solution suitable for an open world?

A: My Local GI solution only works in set radius around the probe. It's not well-suited for global illumination across massive open worlds. It does work well for local GI in a 5-50m radius. This can be applied in an outdoor setting. But, it will not apply global illumination on distant geometry.

Q: Do I have a global GI solution in development for large open world use case?

A: Yes, I'm working on a screen-space global illumination option. That technique works well in large open worlds.

Q: How is the performance on LGI?

A: It is quite fast. I did a lot of work to minimize the cost of the reflection probe rendering. In the editor, I observe a performance cost of ~0.2ms on my laptop, which has an nvidia 3070 mobile GPU.

Q: Does LGI work with Nature Renderer?

A: I haven't tested it directly. LGI works automatically with anything that writes to the depth buffer. If you your material doesn't write to the depth buffer, LGI also works. But, you need to follow the integration guide to extend your shaders. https://docs.occasoftware.com/local-global-illumination/forward-rendering-path-usage

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