P2P directional / proximity Voice Chat System

Asset uses miniaudio under unlicense or MIT No Attribution; see miniaudio_LICENSE.txt file in package for details.

Asset uses libdatachannel under MPL 2.0; see libdatachannel_LICENSE.txt file in package for details.

Asset uses EmbeddedVoiceChat which is create by myself.

The Voice Chat System will use your dedicated server as voice chat server, you can deploy the voice chat server with your game server.

As long as your client can connect to your dedicated server, your client can connect to the voice chat server and establish a P2P connection between each client.

Includes Proximity and Directional voice chat.

Supports 7.1 channel, 5.1 channel and 2.1 channel.

Video tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9BLqOUwm7RqTyLjYCKZCCcqc5kkMDsSN

The aws package: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oB5IM7K7P-POJpEGuo4b3igXOhXtwkbD/view?usp=sharing

DISCORD(pre purchase or after sales service): https://discord.gg/BZJJshZ