Cobra Packets

Simplify your multiplayer networking in Unity with Cobra Packets. This library helps you send and receive packets across the network with minimal lines of code.

Requires: Mirror or FishNet and Cobra Logging (these are all free packages).

Key Features:

  • Clean Simple Code: Send and receive data with very few lines of code. You dont need to create a class or struct for every single message type.
  • Wait For a Response: Send packets and await responses within the same block of code.
  • Global Packets: Send packets to all connected players.
  • Targeted Packets: Send packets only to specific players.
  • Cached Packets: Packets can be automatically sent to late-joiners. Even those players who joined after the packcet was originally sent can recieve the information.
  • Async Support: Send a message and get the response back in one go. Similar to a simple method call where the response is returned.
  • Synchronous Support: If you prefer passing in synchronous handlers methods instead of awaiting async calls, you can use them too.
  • Mirror Support: Supports Mirror Networking.
  • FishNet Support: Supports FishNet.

With Cobra Packets, multiplayer game development becomes easier. Equip your project with efficient networking, clear code structure, and a smooth developer experience.



Other Assets:

Cobra Updater - Update published games directly from Unity.

Cobra Accounts - Create and manage accounts for your users.

Cobra Store - Create an online store for digital products such as DLC.

Cobra Settings - Manage settings in the cloud or locally for your games or apps.

Cobra Database - Easy database acesss.

Cobra Reflection - Accelerated and simplified C# reflection.

Cobra Packets - Multiplayer networking made easy.

Cobra Optimizers - Smart optimization algorithms.

Cobra Observables - Subscribe to variable changes with events.

Cobra Assemblies (free) - Optimize your Unity project's compilation time.