Compiled Audio Pack

Documentation for the Compiled Audio Pack

Design by: Alan Dalcastagne

Sound effects packages included in the bundle,

Every package has a link to it’s preview, just click on then and it should work :)

  1. SpaceSoundsAudioPack
  2. HauntedHospitalAudioPack
  3. MagicalWeaponsAudioPack
  4. HauntedHouse
  5. TransitionsAudioPack
  6. HauntedHouseIIAudioPack
  7. FarmSounds
  8. 2DPlatformerAudioPack
  9. MonsterNoises
  10. ApocalypticSurvivalAudioPack
  11. BallGames
  12. CardsSoundAudioPack
  13. CartoonSoundsAudioPack
  14. CastleSoundsAudioPack
  15. CharacterActions
  16. CinematicSounds
  17. DungeonCreateuresIIAudioPack
  18. DungeonCreatures
  19. ExplosionsAudioPack
  20. ForestSoundsAudioPack
  21. FuturisticCombat
  22. GunsSoundEffects
  23. ItemsAudioPack
  24. MagicSpells
  25. MagicSpellsVolumeTwo
  26. MartialArtsAudioPack
  27. MedievalWeapons
  28. MultiAmbience
  29. MultiAmbienceIIAudioPack
  30. MusicalSoundEffectsAudioPack
  31. PuzzleSounds
  32. RobotSoundsAudioPack
  33. SciFiAudioPack
  34. UiSoundsVolumeTwo
  35. UserInterface

How it works?

Every sound effect pack contains more than 30 folders with sound effects of its proper theme. With this already adds more than 1000 sound effects, however, each effect (except for the ambiences) has around 2 to 3 variations, easily surpassing 2000 audio files.

Music Packages included in the bundle

  1. AdventureAndRpg
  2. Electronic
  3. HorrorMusic
  4. ImmerseMusic
  5. MegaBit
  6. TacticalRPG
  7. TownsMusic
  8. UltimateSynthwave

You can check the preview of each package by clicking on its link :)

Got any questions?
Fell free to ask :D