⚠️Version 2.0 is now available: https://u3d.as/2JMn

Want to create an advanced in-game operating system for your game or app? Well, we got you covered. With this package, you'll able to create good looking devices easily.

• Clean Design

Featuring a minimalistic and clean looking design with smooth pre-made animations that can be edited within Unity.

• Theme Manager

Instead of changing things one by one, you change the whole look of your UI within seconds using modular Theme Manager.

• Fully Customizable

You can add or change almost everything within Unity, no need to deal with code or external tools.

• Demo Scenes

Includes two ready to use demo scenes; Desktop and World Space.

• Functional Apps

There are 12 different apps for all your needs, from messaging to music player. More on the way!

• Functional System Features

Includes fully featured system features, such as; user creation, time and date, networking (simulated), modular widgets, notifications; and more!

• UI Elements

Includes a set of unique elements for all of your UI needs.

• Native UI Support

DreamOS is using the native Unity UI, so you can continue working the way you are used to and use third party UI extensions with it.

...and many more!

Curious about the upcoming features? Check out our roadmap by clicking here.

If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, feel free to contact me.

Website | Discord Server | Documentation | Windows Demo

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