Implementing a good certification validatation isn't an easy task, but this addon aims even higher. It implements the same steps a browser does to ensure the communication over the negotiated connection is safe and secure. Additionally provides a management window to easily manage trusted certificates, update and test them.

All source code included! Requires the latest version of Best HTTP/2.

Notable features:

- Certificate Chain Verification as described in RFC 3280

- Revocation checking of leaf certificates using OCSP with optional soft and hard fail

- Caching OCSP responses

- Support for OCSP Must-Staple

- Trusted Root CA, Trusted Intermediate and Client Credentials management through an easy to use Certification Manager Window to

◦ Update all certificates from a trusted source

◦ Add custom certificates

◦ Delete non-needed certificates

- Domain Name Matching

- Client Authentication

- Wide variety of options to configure almost every bits of the addon

Useful links:

- Documentation

- Issues, questions

- Discord

- Twitter

- LinkedIn

For support, feature request or general questions you can email me at, join to the plugin's discord server or create a new issue at the plugin's public Issues repository: