Sci Fi Hologram Shader

Simple and customizable hologram shader for your game.
Built-in Render Pipeline, URP support (Unity 2021.3.6 or higher).

* Easy to use
* All features can be enabled by toggles
* Fresnel
* Voxelization
* Vertex and Color Glitches
* Soft depth intersection
* Dissolve
* Alpha Mask
* Scan lines
* ZWrite toggle
* Face culling mode option
* Random offset (to randomize effects)
* Shaders can be edited in Amplify Shader Editor.

Asset includes:
* 2 hologarm shaders (with depth prepass and without depth prepass). Depth prepass is needed when mesh needs to occlude itself.
* 1 simple shader for soft holographic god rays
* Demo scene with 5 setupped hologram effects (Character, Earth, Terrain, Sci-Fi Gun, Hologram Wall)
* Hologram shaders uses Amplify Shader Editor custom template Unlit Depth Mask

Demo Scene requires Post Processing Stack v2 and Linear Color Space.