OWA SciFi City Vol 1: Interiors, Exteriors, Modular, Cyberpunk, Horror, FPS/VR


Build huge futuristic cities with this versatile and lean scifi kit. Parts are modular and snap together to ease of use. Easily customize to your art style.

  • 170+ prefabs included
  • highly optimized for performance

Whether your project is desktop, mobile, VR, or console.... these prefabs are fast and use minimal resources! Take full advantage of static batching and dynamic batching.

Walls, Floors, Sidewalks, Road, Ceilings, arch, bench, bunks / bed, chairs, couches, crates, cryo, interface, generator, barrels, railing, tables, trash cans, umbrella, interiors, and exteriors.

NEW in version 1.3.1

Reviews for this package are greatly appreciated. Thanks for checking out the OWA series!

This is a package that allows a great deal of flexibility across many styles.