Animated WW2 Characters

Set of 20 high quality ww2 characters (with LODs) + 55 animations.

• Included in the package:

- 10 Assault Soldiers
- 4 Snipers
- 4 Officers
- 2 Anti-Tank Infantry


- Idle (4 versions depending on characters, including UnarmedIdle)
- MoveFore (3 versions, including UnarmedMove)
- MoveRight
- MoveLeft
- MoveBack
- StrafeRight
- StrafeLeft
- StepRight
- StepLeft
- Run (2 versions, including UnarmedRun)
- RunRight
- RunLeft
- IncoverRight
- IncoverLeft
- Fidget
- Wave
- Vault
- Kick
- Punch
- Toss
- Fire
- Reload
- UnarmedDeath
- ImpactFore
- ImpactRight
- ImpactLeft
- ImpactBack
- CrouchDown
- CrouchGetUp
- CrouchIdle (2 versions)
- CrouchRollDown
- CrouchRollUp
- CrouchMoveFore
- CrouchMoveRight
- CrouchMoveLeft
- CrouchMoveBack
- CrouchRunFore
- CrouchWave
- CrouchToss
- CrouchFire
- CrouchReload
- CrouchImpactFore
- CrouchImpactRight
- CrouchImpactLeft
- CrouchImpactBack
- InChairSit
- InChairIdle
- InChairGetUp
- LadderClimb

• Textures size 2048x2048

• Demo scene

You can see a short video below that shows a few characters and some animations:
Youtube Video