Character Orc Kanit

Character Orc,He's name Kanit.
If you buy a character, you get a great character,
11 animations,sounds,4k textures
Also you get a bonus the elements of the environment,
rocks,a torch,a banner,bones.
All model containts PBR Textures (Metallic Shader)

1.Character Orc Kanit Contains 14 animations and sounds

-idle other
-Get Hit
-Dead L
-Dead R

PBR textures.

(all 4096-4096 size)

Polys: 11,332

Tris: 21,364

Verts: 11,027

2.Rocks Contains 3 different rocks

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 5,120

Tris: 5,120

Verts: 2,562


PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 1,885

Tris: 3,533

Verts: 1,903

4.Bones contains 10 different bones

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 4,009

Tris: 7,678

Verts: 3,881


PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 1,185

Tris: 2,306

Verts: 1,251